The NMSEA SunPaper

Editor:  Ron Herman –

      First published in 1976 as the NMSEA Bulletin, NMSEA’s flagship newsletter, now called the SunPaper, is still alive and kicking!

     Playing a key role in fulfilling NMSEA’s EDUCATION, EMPOWERMENT, and ADVOCACY missions, the NMSEA Sunpaper has a long history of publishing informative, in-depth and unique articles​ by a wide range of contributors including some of New Mexico’s most distinguished “Solar Pioneers”, renewable energy experts, inventors, entrepreneurs and grass-roots activists.

     Send all letters, comments and articles to the Editor or to the NMSEA office ( ).  Preference is given to articles on solar energy topics (PV, passive, technology, performance histories, incentives, cost benefits, etc.), but we will also consider other renewable energy subjects as space allows.  Deadlines are noted in the NMSEA event calendar (typically the 15th of Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct & Dec.)

SunPaper Advertising

All advertising in the NMSEA SunPaper is printed in black and white, but the electronic version is in full color.  Ads must have a resolution of at least 250 dpi, in JPEG, TIF, or PDF format. Text-only ads may be provided in MS Word format. Camera-ready copy may be mailed to NMSEA or emailed to:

Sizes and Rates (except for the Solar Fiesta Guide)

Ad Size


Current Rate

Full Page

 7″w x 9.5″h


Half Page

 7″w x 4.25″h


Quarter Page

 3.5″w x 4.25″h


Business Card

 3.5″w x 2″h


 Ad Deadlines:

The deadlines for articles and advertisements for the next SunPaper issues are:


OnLine Sunpaper Archive:

     NMSEA is pleased to be able to share this online archive of the past several years-worth of SunPapers.  Please click on the highlighted link to download a SunPaper in PDF format (you’ll need Adobe Reader, or a compatible app).  Recent issues include color photos & ads, and may be up to 5 MB in size.

The latest issue of the NMSEA SunPaper:

SepOctNov 2016 –  ​​A Plan to ​​Build 100% Clean Renewable Energy in the US by 2040; The $$ Benefits of Customer Owned Solar; Grid Connected Solar PV Benefits All of Us; Recommended Reading; A Poem – What Am I; ​​How to Best Approach Climate Change; SunPaper Transitions; Crescent Dunes; Renewables Trump Fossil Fuels; Passive Solar Buildings for Sale

Archived SunPapers:

Jul-Aug, 2016
  –  RE: The Good – The Not So Good – and the Good Not;  What We Can Do to Bring Us to 100% RE; Recommended Reading; Just the Facts​

May-Jun, 2016 –  The Decoupling Proposal in PNM’s 2015 Rate Case; Sendero Solaroso; Creating a Civilization that Flies; NMSEA 2016 Science Fair Awards; NMSEA Partners with Intersolar NA​

Mar-Apr, 2016  –  2016 NMSEA Updates; PNM’s 2015 Rate Case: Is PNM Trying to Grow its Peak Demand?; Sustaining the Planet; Visions of the Clean Energy Future; PNM Dedicates South Vally Solar Energy Center; News Release (PNM)

Jan-Feb, 2016 –  NMSEA Org News; Back to the Future Along I-10; The Truth and Consequences of Solar; PNM Penalizes Solar Energy Customers; COP-21: Finally the First Step?; Stealing Sunshine; Trades & Advanced Tech Center Earns LEED Platinum


Nov-Dec, 2015 –  Reviewing Solar Fiesta 2015; The PNM 2014 Rate Case – Reworked; How Did the Silver City Office of Sustainablility Come to Be?; Large Scale Solar Site at Chino Mine

Sept-Oct, 2015 – Solar Fiesta 2015; A Utility’s Nightmare; The Role of NMSEA; PNM’s Power Replacement Plan is Bad; Intersolar North America 2015; PNM and Net Metering; Global Warming & Our Resilient Response

Jul-Aug, 2015 – It’s Time to “Efficiency Up”; 2015 Solar Fiesta Sept 26; The Lunatic Fringe; Why Not Subsidize Solar Power?; International Visitors

May-Jun, 2015  – PNM’s Future; Gov Martinez Vetos Solar Tax Credit; PNM is Greenwahing its Plan fir More Coal & Nuclear; Distributed Generation is Best; NMSEA Partners with Intersolar NA; Abq City Council’s Rejection of PNM Plan Looks Forward; PNM and Electric Vehicles; Is Driving Electric Vehicles Actually Cleaner & Greener?; Monte’s Solar Cars are in India Schools

Mar-Apr, 2015 – Time of Use Electric Meter; PNM and Misleadership; Hey, All (new NMSEA Advocacy capabilities); RRPS Science Fair; Solar and the Yo-Yo Fossil Fuel Economy

Jan-Feb, 2015 – NMSEA Organizational News; Ed Mazria Honored; PNM’s First Steps Toward an Electric Vehicle Fleet; PNM’s War on New Mexicans; Reply to Buchholz Letter & Some History


Nov-Dec, 2014 – The Times are A-Changing; ABQ 2014 Solar Fiesta; PNM & NM’s Energy Future; Solar Fiesta Photos; Solar Trash Cans; Monte Ogdahl Remembered; PNM & Decoupling; A Letter from Los Alamos

Sept-Oct, 2014 – Welcome to Solar Fiesta; Monte Ogdahl; Have We Made the Turn?; Solar Fiesta Workshop Schedule & Descriptions; Solar Fiesta Exhibitors (as of 9/13); The Politics of Solar in New Mexico

July-Aug, 2014 – Steve Baer: Shining the Light; Big Changes in NMSEA’s Online Presence; Solar Fiesta Returns to Abq; Silver City Chapter Visit; Ghost Ranch – Back to the Early Days of NMSEA; Envinonmental Accounting, a book review; Vote Solar

May-June, 2014 – Solar Fiesta Issue  2014 Solar Fiesta Breaks Time & Space Barriers; “Sunstainable” New Mexico; Sun Make It Hot; Solar Fiesta Workshops; A Letter to the NMPRC; UNM Divestiture

Mar-Apr, 2014  (PNM Power Installations; 2014 Solar Fiesta w Live Streaming; Where are the Hybrid Solar Plants?; Take Action for Better Options; Chapter New from Silver City; Reply to the Rio Grande Foundation

Jan-Feb, 2014  (NMIEC Sways NMPRC on Solar; Shade Comes to Mesa del Sol; What’s Wrong with the NMIEC?; RE Diversity Targets Work)


Nov-Dec, 2013 (Board Election; RRPS Solar Array; Solar Decathlon; PRC Hearing; PRC Proposal Reverses RE Act; PNM Supports Solar; Rebuttal)

Sep-Oct, 2013 (Disruptive Challenges; Solar Oven Pizza Cook-Off; What to Do Next?; The World As a Pigsty)

July-Aug, 2013 (The Big Gorilla; 2013 Solar Fiesta Success; Junk Food – Junk Energy; NMSEA at Science Fairs)

May-June, 2013 (Solar Fiesta Guide – The Fun Way to Plan a “Greener” Lifestyle or Career)

Mar-Apr, 2013 (Gearing-up for Solar Fiesta! April 27-28; “Inside Collectors” Today;)

Jan-Feb, 2013 (NMSEA’s 40th Anniversary Celebration!; Thanks to the Board; 40th Celebration Highlights (photos)


Nov-Dec, 2012 (NMSEA’s 40th Anniversary Celebration!; NMSEA Chapter Leaders and Contact Info;)

Sep-Oct, 2012 (The View from Denver; Video Project News; RE:ENERGIZE Community and Transportation)

July-Aug, 2012 (Solar Fiesta! Scheduled for Spring 2013; Driving Among Giants)

May-June, 2012 (ASES Passive Solar Pioneer; NMSEA Science Fair Awards)

Mar-Apr, 2012 (The End of Pretend; UNM Team in Solar Decatlon 2013)

Jan-Feb, 2012 (Coming Golden Age or Dark Age?; NMSEA’s Education Mission; Adios Solyndra)


Nov-Dec, 2011 (Thinking Like PNM, Solar Fiesta Recap, Camping Off the Grid in an RV Without Polluting the Environment)

Sept-Oct, 2011 (Solar Fiesta Guide, A Sustainable Life Style Now or Never, Magnetic Induction Hotplates)

July-Aug, 2011 (Herding Solar Catz, Sizing Solar Electric Systems, Elementary Sunchasers)

May-June, 2011 (Bill Gross Remembrances, NMSEA and PNM Meet, Solar Fiesta News, Renewable Energy and Public Service)

Mar-Apr, 2011 (PNM Drops Request for “Solar Access” Charge, Solar Water Heating in Alaska, Electric Cars Reduce Energy Use and Emissions – Part 2)

Jan-Feb, 2011 (Policies May Retard PV Growth, Chasing the Sun Across New Mexico, Electric Cars Reduce Energy Use and Emissions – Part 1)


Nov-Dec, 2010 (Here Comes the Sun! Another Large PV System, Solar Energy and Politics and Sustaining NMSEA)

Sept-Oct, 2010 (Santa Fe Buckman Project Adopts PV, How Should We Define and Measure the Carry through of a Passively Solar Heated House?)

July-Aug, 2010 (Large-Scale PV Progress, The ASES Conference Experience, Governor Richardson’s Legacy: A Clean Energy Economy, Time For Electric Vehicles?)

May-Jun, 2010 (Alternative Energy On A Budget – Part 3, PNM Revised RE Plan, Vertical Farms: Future Concepts, Transitioning To Green Vehicles)

Mar-Apr, 2010 (Alternative Energy On A Budget – Part 2, PNM To Stimulate PV Growth, Next Step: Greener Wheels, Santa Fe Students Study Solar)

Jan-Feb, 2010 (Alternative Energy On A Budget – Part 1, NMSEA Advocates For Passive Solar, Nature’s Messages)


Sept-Oct, 2009 (Solar Fiesta Guide, PNM Changes Solar Programs, Sunport Display Offers NM Solar History Lesson, Solar In All 50 States)

July-Aug, 2009 (Thin Film Solar Modules, HERS Ratings For Passive Solar)